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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Véronique 강사 칼럼

Happy New Year !

주간 토픽: Happy New year! For the students who are hoping to start learning a new category, tell them what is great about studying the category that you teach!

2023년 1월 6일

Happy New Year everyone !
I wish you all the best for 2023 !

I suppose that like me you have a long list of good resolutions such as "learning a new language".
Well, if you are still searching the language you will learn, may I suggest you to learn French ?
Too difficult ? Noooo ? Believe me I have long years experience in teaching French and I saw amazing students who learned it very quickly, first because they were motivated, then because they practiced regularly !
Practice makes perfect ! 
If you perfectly know the grammar of a language but you never pratice, don't expect to be fluent one day !
Are you ready to practice conversation ? Ok ! So just have a look on my lessons list. You will find some conversation lessons but not only. 

If you have specific requests to learn French, don't hesitate to send me a message. We will see together how to organise you lessons.

A bientôt !

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