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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Valeria Pizzorno 강사 칼럼

It sure does...

2022년 12월 21일

It's important to acknowledge our vulnerability to make it through.
We might feel overwhelmed by situations that we can't control, but if we step aside from them, and let things flow, little by little, and at our own pace, everything will fall into place :)

Es importante reconocer nuestra vulnerabilidad para salir adelante.
Puede que nos sintamos abrumad@s por situaciones que no podemos controlar, pero si nos hacemos a un lado y dejamos que las cosas fluyan, poco a poco y a nuestro ritmo, todo se acomodará :)

Have a wonderful rest of the week! I hope to see you soon :)
¡Que tengan una maravillosa continuación de semana! Espero verlos pronto :)

Valeria xo

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