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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Pilar Barrera 강사 칼럼

I love literature, so, let's read books together!

2022년 6월 24일

I love books and stories of all kinds, from fairy tales to gothic novels and poetry, my life has always been surrounded by books. Whether you have always wanted to read a book in English and you haven’t because the language or the theme intimidated you, or simply because you haven’t found the time, now is the moment to begin! Would you like to read picturebooks, fairy tales, a classic like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, or give Shakespeare a try? Come read with me everything you’ve always dreamed of!

If you book my lesson “Talking about Books and Stories You Like”, I will prepare a lesson just for you tailored to your specific needs about any book, poem, or story in English you want to read. We’ll explore the historical context, the characters, the language and much more! I’ll always prepare a PowerPoint full of images to guide the discussion.

Come join me in as many adventures as you want!


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