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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Yvette 강사 칼럼

Spoken Words: “Waste Wood Art - Green Renaissance"

2016년 2월 25일

"Waste Wood Art - is the latest in the Green Renaissance series about designers, who create art pieces out of old, unwanted objects. Dagmar is an artist who uses scrap pieces of wood, from a furniture manufacturing factory, to create beautiful wooden pieces.

Film Tip/Trick – When filming, don’t compromise on your location. If you feel that a particular location is best suited to your character, but it is difficult to film due to noise and dust (as in this clip), arrange to film over weekends when it is quieter, to get around these complications. In documentary film making, authenticity is one of the most important elements – so always portray your character in the most authentic light possible.

Contact Dagmar - moko@mweb.co.za"

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