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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Yara 강사 칼럼

隣の芝生は青い - The grass Is greener on the other side!

주간 토픽: Are you more of a “beach person (海派)” or a “mountain person (山派)“? or a "〇〇person?

2021년 10월 28일 | 4 코멘트

Are you more of a summer person or a winter person?
Are you more of a beach person or a mountain person?

These are really hard questions for me personally!
Actually, I think my answer even changes depending on what season it is (LOL - haha!) 

When it's freezing cold here in Austria, I'm always dreaming of the summer.

But then the summer comes, and I'm sitting on the beach for a month, getting fat and lazy. Now, I dream of cool forests and mountains, where I can ski and be a little more active by doing some mountain hiking!

I guess for me, the grass is always greener on the other side.
I love both the sea and mountains, and summer and winter! 

What kind of person are you:
Are you a beach or mountain person?
Are you a summer or winter person?

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