언제나 생활에 감칠맛을.

Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Cecily G. 강사 칼럼

What are your student strengths?

2021년 5월 14일

I was thinking today about different kinds of students. 
What are your strengths as a student? What do you bring to your English study?
Some things you might bring to your English study could include your:
  • enthusiasm
  • courage
  • diligence
  • confidence
  • passion
  • curiosity
  • consistency
  • inspiration
  • dedication
  • light-heartedness
  • openness
  • creativity
  • self-motivation
  • self-discipline
  • love of learning
Which do you think are most important? Which ones do you want to cultivate? 
Which English words did you learn in this column? 

Have a great day and enjoy your learning,

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