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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

cafewina 강사 칼럼

It’s been awhile since we had mini outing (久々の遠足)

2020년 11월 25일

今日は久々の遠足でした。コロナのせいで、旅行に行けない分、家の中にある家具と料理道具を5年振りにイケアで新調しました。イケアに行く度、必ずこのカフェに寄ってしまいます。今回は念のため、食事は控えて、お茶だけしました。それでも、すごく良い気分転換になりました。Since we can’t travel due to Corona, We have decided to replace our furniture as well as cooking pots and pans. After shopping at our favorite Swedish furniture Company, We would always  drop by this Coffee shop. Though just to play it safe this time, We quickly sipped our coffee and then headed home. 

부담없이 질문해 주세요!