View: 522 | 2025년 1월 21일
女性のための楽しい英会話! 楽しみましょう!
新入生募集!女性のための楽しい英会話! 楽しみましょう!
View: 466 | 2025년 1월 20일
Happy 2025!!! I'm back!
Come and visit!!!
View: 624 | 2024년 3월 25일
Make Mini Sweet Potato Pies for the Spring Season!
Hi! How do YOU make memories? Springtime is here in Colorado! Which means blossoms as well as snow!...
View: 1361 | 2022년 10월 12일
Hi! It's been a Long Pandemic...Great to be back!
大変な時期でしたが、ここに戻ってきてとてもうれしいです! 新しい始まりを祝いましょう! ! This has been a difficult time but I am so happy...
View: 1218 | 2021년 3월 15일
国際女性月間! International Women's Month!
We changed it from ONE DAY to ONE MONTH! Let's celebrate and show our strength and our compassion f...
View: 1622 | 2019년 11월 6일
The Holidays are Coming! What do you know about Sweet Potato Pie?
Welcome to November! I'm glad you're here! In the USA, many families with chil...
View: 1614 | 2019년 10월 30일
From the Weekly Topic: The Most Difficult Thing about Living Abroad
I have lived and worked abroad twice in my lifetime, both times in Japan when I was young. This was...
View: 1405 | 2019년 10월 30일
26th Wedding Anniversary!
This month, we just celebrated our 26th Wedding Anniversary. :)
View: 1506 | 2019년 7월 26일
New Podcasts in English! Want one in Japanese?
Guess who is podcasting here in the USA! So, should I in Japanese, too? Let me know!
View: 1499 | 2019년 7월 1일
Meeting Mr. Honda for the 1st Time - Circa 1989.
Mr. Honda and his lovely wife were such amazing people! I was so proud to have been one of the firs...
View: 1509 | 2019년 6월 8일
Last Winter, I was a Spring Faerie for the Book Fair!
I LOVE books! And I LOVE Faeries! "Faeries"? Yes, "Faeries"! And "Fairies"!Know the diffe...
View: 1676 | 2019년 6월 6일
At my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Aoyama 1991!
懐かしい !!!This is me when I was still Miss Valentine at my Honda Motors Going-Away Party in Minami-Ao...
View: 1449 | 2019년 6월 3일
A Little Bit of Japan in the USA!
Right before school ended, I was so happy to be able to share a few cultural items from Japan with ...
View: 1468 | 2019년 6월 3일
Last Day of School in the USA!
Hi Everyone!Summer has hit us here in Colorado! This was my last day in the classroom a week ago fo...
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