Tutor Comment 여러분 안녕하세요 ^^ I’m tutor Juju and I teach Korean on Cafetalk. Thanks to everyone’s support I won the Grand Prize at the Cafetalk Awesome Lesson Awards 2020 (Spring/Summer). Thank you to everyone who voted for me! I think studying a language is similar to following a good meal. I try not only to prepare food that everyone likes but food with high nutritional value - which means high-quality lessons. I am very grateful for all of you. I look forward to continuing to work with you!
Tutor Comment I want to thank all the student who took lessons with me (as well as everyone on the Cafetalk staff ) for your support and confidence in me as your teacher. I am truly humbled by receiving this award. I feel that all my students are hard workers, intelligent, motivated, and determined in their studies and it's always a pleasure to get to know you and help you in your learning endeavors. I am always encouraged and energized in life and classes to help you in your learning of English and Music. No matter how hard it may get when learning a new language (including music ) you are always making progress as long as you continue to try! You're all making amazing progress! So, let’s keep up the practice together ! Thank you again for all your continued support , I’m looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Tutor Comment Because of Cafetalk I had the opportunity to meet many nice students and to teach about the German language and culture. I´m very happy that so manyof you show that much interest and motivation in studying German, even though it is not always easy ;-) Because of you I am able to enjoy what I´m doing every single day. Thank you for always taking my lessons and for supporting me for the Cafetalk Awards! I´m looking forward to continue learning German with you and I hope to talk to you soon. Vielen Dank!
Tutor Comment Thank you, everyone! I am grateful from the bottom of my heart that I was able to win such a wonderful award. I am able to meet with many wonderful students and share a wonderful time with everyone. I still have some areas where my inexperience is showing but I will continue to work hard on improving my lessons, which I hope will be useful for all of you. I look forward to continuing my studies with all my students.
Tutor Comment I am very honoured to receive such a previous award! I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can fit my lessons to my students’ needs and how to make learning fun for you, and it makes me happy to think that I was able to share those kinds of lessons with you. Thank you to everyone who voted for my lessons during the Cafetalk Awards. I am also always grateful for the swift support by the Cafetalk team. I will continue to work hard so I can provide even better lessons and I look forward to continuing to learn with all of you.
*Please note that student feedback is subjective.
Thank you for your participation
in this year's Cafetalk Awesome Lesson Awards!
The 20 winners of the 2020 Point Present Lottery will receive a notification as well as the points added to their accounts shortly.
0**7rooibostealeaf33, ***_non, ***o.1219.atsumi, ***zizi, ***utomiyazaki312, ***ofam, ***hiJun, ***0615, ***k, ***, ***, ***angel, ***I., ***nyL, ***af___, ***asaka, ***i.sunnylily, ***ngxiang, ***omi_limei, ***amourumotto
Tutor Comment I am very honoured to have received the Cafetalk Grand Prize! I was able to achieve this thanks to all of my students who empathise with my teaching style, who believe in it and continue to take my lessons. Thank you so much for voting for me. Accumulation is really important for language learning. I will continue to work hard and support my students by developing lessons and lesson reviews that will motivate you to give it your best and continue your studies. Thank you very much!