언제나 생활에 감칠맛을.

Cafetalk's second roundup of online language lessons using a popular publication, "Kankokugo ga omoshiroihodo mi ni tsuku hon" (The more interesting Korean is, the easier it is to pick up)

Do you have to have fun learning Korean with a textbook?

Stop studying by yourself and take one more step towards mastering Korean!

× If you've already read the entire book

→ ask your teacher questions during these one on one lessons!

× Worried about correct pronunciation?

→ Pronunciation is hard to pick up on your own. Practice with a teacher!

× Not sure how to use the vocabulary in the book?

→ Try using those words during your Cafetalk lessons!

Start learning Korean! Use this textbook to learn Korean online with Cafetalk.

■ 카페토크


■ 무료 카운셀링

카페토크의 서비스나, 각종 기능의 설명, 그 외 추천 강사 소개등 온라인 레슨을 시작하시는 분들의 걱정을 말끔히 없애드립니다.

무료 카운셀링

■ 온라인 서포트

궁금하신 점이나, 잘 모르는 부분이 있으시면 언제든 상담을 신청해 주시기 바랍니다. 스카이프를 통하여 직접 전화를 주시면 됩니다. cafetalk.jp

+81 50-5539-3419

문의 시간 10:00〜24:00(한국시간)



For example! - Chapter One Basic Edition

From "Kankokugo ga omoshiroihodo mi ni tsuku hon"

Prepare for the lesson by listening to the CD

and reading the chapter once before class!

Mimic the shape of your teacher's mouth!

It can be hard to learn how to move your mouth just by listening to CD's. Pick up the movements through online video lessons!

Post Lesson Review

Concentrate on how you're supposed to shape your mouth and practice pronunciation. Listen to the CD and practice!

Use your online lessons to practice sounds that you can't understand with just the book itself.

Click here to purchase "Kankokugo ga omoshiroihodo mi ni tsuku hon"

*This link will open a new tab (Amazon.com)


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