



日語 母語程度
德語 流利
英語 精通
中文 日常會話程度
波蘭語 只能說一點




週一 03:30   06:00
週日 03:30   06:00
※ 以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。

Keiko 講師的自我介紹


I was on maternity leave, and on April 24th, I safely gave birth to a baby girl. Thanks to everyone, the transition went smoothly and the two of us are doing well. I would like to start offering lessons again starting on June 26th! For now, please let me know what your preferred times are, and I will try to open a lesson schedule based on that. When you make a request, please state your preferred dates and times. Sorry for the trouble, and thank you very much!

Meine Tochter ist am 24.04. auf die Welt gekommen :-D
Langsam werde ich wieder fit und daher würde gerne wieder mit Unterrichten anfangen. Melden Sie sich bei mir bitte per E-Mail, falls Sie von mir einen Unterricht haben möchten! 

Lessons using the web camera are restricted to women only!

**I will help you study German, from conversation to grammar**

"I want to learn more about Germany!"

"I want to be able to say German greetings during my trip"

"I want to practice having conversations in German"

"I want my questions answered"

"I want to learn how to make this German recipe"

"I want to talk about this topic in German"

"I want to study grammar properly, but I don't understand what's written in my grammar book"

"I am studying German as my second foreign language in college, but there are some things I would like to check before my exams"


Do any of these sound like you? If you could send me a request along these lines, I will make a lesson that matches your needs.

**What I think about German**
was ich von der Sprache "Deutsch" halte...

I think German is a relatively easy language for Japanese people to learn(*゚▽゚)ノ

ヾ(・・;)wait a minute "No way!! There's all that der, das, die, stuff, isn't there?"

If this is what you're thinking....well, you're right!( ̄ー ̄)ゞ Especially if you studied it in college, the first thing that comes out in textbooks is the articles.

German textbooks that are made in Japan are no good!(≧▼≦;)アチャ

I wonder why they make you start with the articles. Of course grammar is also crucial, but I think the fun of learning a foreign language is from the satisfaction of trying to use it in real life and being able to communicate.ヽ(*⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒*)v

In German textbooks that are used in Germany,  articles appear based on their frequency of use. Then, there are also German people who get them wrong too┐( -"-)┌ヤレヤレ... 
Let's start by studying real German that is actually used in real life situations o( ̄へ ̄o)(o ̄へ ̄)o 

When I was a first year in college, German was my second foreign language, but I didn't study at all and thought "as long as I get my units..."ーσ( ̄。 ̄)』In spite of that, during my second year, I went on a trip to Germany and fell in love with it (I still couldn't speak it at all at the time), so after I graduated college I returned to Germany and started studying. Now I have my master's degree and can even become a university lecturer, so it's ok!v( ̄ー ̄)v 

Whether you want to go on a trip and learn greetings
or you don't understand the test questions at your university
or you have already learned some German and want to try speaking it
or you have questions but have a hard time asking a native German teacher
or you think German seems fun
or even if you want to go watch soccer in Germany
or if you are currently in Germany、

Let's study together♪~♪ d(⌒o⌒)b♪~♪ランラン

**Japanisch Unterricht**

Da ich als Japanisch-Leherin tätig bin, würde ich hier bei Cafetalk auch gerne Japanisch unterrichten :-D
Ich bevorzuge die Serie von Minna no Nihongo als Lehrmaterial, aber 
wenn Sie möchten, können wir natürlich alle andere Lehrmaterial auch benutzen. Das sprechen wir mal bei der Probestunde.
Ich freue mich sehr darauf, Sie kennenzulernen und zusammen Japanisch lernen zu können!

**About Me** Lebenslauf
I'm from Tokyo and I have been living in Hamburg, Germany for 10 years. I live with Ponyo (my mini chihuahua♂) and my companion (a German IT engineer). Recently, my daughter was born and our family grew.。+.。ヽ(*>∀<*)ノ。.+。キャハッ

I graduated from a university in Japan (Political Science major in the Law department) and got a masters from a university in Hamburg, studying sociology, Chinese studies, and Japanese studies. 

Since 4 years ago, I have been teaching Japanese at Hamburg University as a contract lecturer. I am also in charge of Japanese classes at a language school. Other than that, I also do work with newspapers and magazines.

Ich bin in Tokyo geboren und seit etwa 10 Jahren in Hamburg. Ich bin verheiratet und habe seit kurzem eine Tochter. Außerdem haben wir einen kleinen Chihuahua, Ponyo.
In Tokyo habe ich Jura und Politik (Bachelor)studiert und in Hamburg Soziologie, Japanologie und Sinologie(Magister). An der Uni Hamburg unterrichte ich zwei mal pro Woche Japanisch für Nebenfächler (Japanisch für Alle). Nebenbei bin ich auch als Sportjournalistin bei einer japanischen Zeitung tätig.


  • Playing with my dog Ponyo / Ich spiele gerne mit meinem Hund, Ponyo.
  • Playing piano in my own way/ Ich spiele gerne Klavier, wie es mir nun gefällt.
  • Cooking, I also love making Japanese sweets (basically, I love eating too)/ Essen, Kochen, Backen
  • Swimming, jogging, volleyball (but not so much recently because I got injured) / Schwimmen, Joggen, Volleyball(wegen einer Verletzung nicht mehr so doll)
  • Watching soccer (there are more Japanese players in Germany now)/Fussi gucken
  • Studying foreign languages (recently I've been studying Polish, it's really hard)/ ein bisschen Sprache lernen. 

Hobby under consideration...Recently, I bought the sewing machine, that I had been thinking about buying for a long time. In the future I want to try dress making.

English Translation: 7/24/2014 - The Cafetalk Team 


Q. Keiko先生、こんにちは。まずは自己紹介をお願いします。 A. こんにちは!Keikoです。東京都出身ですが、ドイツハンブルクに在住して10年になります。旦那さんと愛犬チワワの3人(?)家族です。普段はハンブルク大学(非常勤)や語学学校で日本語を教えています。 Q. ドイツに住んでいるそうですが、ドイツに住むことになったきっかけを教えてください。今住んでいる町はどんなところですか? A....



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  • 課程開始時間的 前24小時 → 隨時可以取消。
  • 課程開始時間的 24小時內 → 講師將可能收取課程取消費。
  • 缺席→ 講師將可能收取課程取消費。


