Inglese | Madrelingua |
Spagnolo | Quasi madrelingua |
Giapponese | Sufficiente |
Russo | Insufficiente |
Tagalog | Insufficiente |
はじめまして! 私の名前はJPです。4年間ぐらい、東京で英語の教師をしていました。
その前は、San Franciscoの学校でTOEFL/TOEICについての授業を教えていましたから、
分からないこともありました。 泣きました、怒りました、でも又、笑いました。
Nice to meet you. My name is JP and I'm excited to help you get to the next level in your English studies. I have 20 years of teaching experience, including TOEFL exam preparation, business English, pronunciation, and grammar. But this is why you should think about taking my lessons: I also study languages and I know that it is not easy. It's difficult and frustrating sometimes. It's also fun. I can tell you what works for me and help you study better. I like my classes to be relaxing and fun and I design my lessons to fit your goals in life.
Q. Hi JP, you’re good at speaking Japanese! You must know how difficult it is to learn other languages. Do you have any episodes of studying Japanese to share with our students? A. Yes, I understand the struggle and the frustration that sometimes comes with learning a language over time. It’s like exercise because we get excited then lose energy or get discouraged, then something inspires us to s...