Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Tomomi.Suzuki Tutor Interview

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Hello!! Nice to meet you! My name is Tomomi Suzuki.
I teach Japanese and abacus lessons here at Cafetalk.

【Introduce myself】

I'm a Japanese native, born and raised in Toyohashi (Aichi prefecture), but have lived in Tokyo since college.

I studied Portuguese (and German and French) at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and have been to lots of countries. So far, I've travelled to over 25 countries and experienced many different cultures.
Through my experiences outside of Japan, I found that I became more interested in Japan itself, and wondered how much I truly know about my own culture. Because of this, I started to think that it would be nice to do what I can to help people who want to learn more about my country!!!

People who want to know about Japan ⇒Japanese lesson
Japanese cultural and educational development ⇒Abacus

If you are interested in my lessons, please feel free to contact me!!!
Thank you very much!!


