Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Magali Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi, Magali. please introduce yourself!

A. Hi! I come from the western coast in France, the town Nantes exactly. This is a very dynamic and cultural city located on the Atlantic side underneath Britany. When I was 17, my sister was au pair in England and I visited her. This trip was the beginning of my passion for travelling and speaking another language. Later, I studied for one year in Belgium and during that time I lived with people from all around the world. After this experience, I was fascinated by the mix of different cultures and languages and my dream was to live abroad in a multicultural environment. It took me some time to realize this dream but it allowed me to better know myself and build inner strengths that we need when we immigrate to another country. I have a background in consulting, group training and one-on-one coaching in communication and personal development. I tutor kids and adults and teach both in person and online. I feel it as the perfect reunion of my passion for languages, my professional skills and my wishes for sharing with other cultures. On the other hand, I am involved in my artistic activities which are sculpture, drawing and writing. I am a lifelong learner in languages, creativity and personal development.

Q. I want to know where you live. Could you please tell us about your current city?

A. I still live on the west coast but in Canada! I have been living in North Vancouver in British Columbia for 2 years and an half and enjoy it very much. Indeed, it is located on the Pacific coast and at the foot of the mountains. The place is blessed with lots of unbelievable and inspiring trails. Toward South, you are also close to downtown Vancouver and then the States (Seattle). And if you go North, then this is mostly nature that you will encounter. Because of this proximity, people in North Vancouver practice lots of sports like cycling, mountain biking, running, canoeing, kayaking as well as hockey and soccer. Also, the mingling of people from all other the world makes me feel I’m traveling everyday.

Q. How do you spend your days off? Is there anything you’ve gotten into lately?

A. I spend my days off cooking, hiking or traveling to new places. Recently, I have gotten into tennis and I enjoy playing for the fun. In the past, I practiced Aikido and discovered Qi Gong and since then I have always been interested in the eastern philosophies and energy medicine. I still practice Qi Gong on a daily routine. I love cooking and eating and as a vegetarian I like to go beyond what I already know and discover new recipes to enjoy food. Besides, I am interested in cinema especially movies in which you can learn from the characters about the human psychology and documentaries about the different countries.

Q. Have you studied a foreign language before? Do you think it’s hard to adapt to a different culture without learning its language?

A. Indeed, I have studied English and German. It’s not impossible to live in a country without speaking the language but you won’t be totally integrated. The history and the language explain a lot about the behaviours. You better understand the society and the people when you completely immerse yourself in a culture and the language is the first key. For example, if you immigrate to France or Canada and you speak only your mother tongue, you will never have a chance to reach out to the natives. Then you could find it hard to understand them and you may feel secluded.

Q. Please tell us about the main feature of your lessons.

A. The main feature of my lessons lies in the fact that I provide a customized and creative service. Indeed, I will make the person at ease and adapt to her/his needs and level! Overall, my lessons are never the same from one person to another because they are adapted to what the person is looking for or need. I teach French through reading, conversation and writing. I usually provide the materials and vary it in order to become familiar with different subjects. You have the opportunity to use your reading, listening, speaking and comprehension skills. My lessons are fun and laid-back.

Q. What are you most careful of when you teach your students?

A. What I am most careful of is what’s in the lesson and helping my students express themselves whatever their level. For that, I pay attention to make them feel good about themselves. We tend to be harsh on ourselves when we learn something, but then we forget it is ok to make mistakes and it is better to learn in a fun way. I want to be the person who takes care of the “censor” of my students by providing encouragement and empowerment. Especially since we share not only a language but also different cultures. As a tutor, I make sure to be in the present moment and to free myself from any judgement. I want my students to feel natural and have a good time with the true sense of having learned something. I believe that I learn from my students is as much precious as what they learn from me. This is the reason I love what I do!

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for our students?

A. Learn what your heart truly wants and let it carry you to the right person. So you make sure you have good motivations, that’s a key for success.


