Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview

Lynn Taylor

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Lynn Taylor Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi, Lynne Soeters! please introduce yourself!

A. My name is Lynn and I am a native English teacher living in The Netherlands. I am originally from Coventry, which is in the centre of England. I worked as an IT Relationship Manager whilst I was living in England and spent a lot of my time travelling around the UK with work. So I was very lucky to see a lot of the country. I have been living in The Netherlands for 4 years now and I love the people and culture here. I am very lucky to live in a beautiful area called Zeeland which is full of woods and golden sandy beaches. Having moved to another country I understand how challenging it can be to learn a foreign language. I also understand how sucessful it can be if the learning environment is fun and interesting.

Q. I want to know where you live. Could you please tell us about your current city?

A. I live in a very little town called Burgh Haamstede in Holland. The region is called Zeeland (Sea Land) as it is on the water. There are beautiful beaches everywhere so during the summer we spend a lot of time on the beach. There is also a lot of nature by us with woods to go for long walks in. Where we live is the area where a lot of Dutch and German people come on holiday so it has a wonderful lively feeling all through the summer. There are really nice restaurants on the beach so you can have dinner and look out over the sea. The town itself is very pretty with a church in the centre, cobbled streets, cafes, restaurants and lovely little shops. I come from the city in England so living here is very different, but I love living here. It is so beautiful all year round and I enjoy the peace and quiet of the nature.

Q. How do you spend your days off ? Is there anything you’ve gotten into lately?

A. When I am not working I paint and cycle. I started painting around 5 years ago and I find it very relaxing. I attend an art class in a small town about an hour from where I live twice a week and I am learning all the time. I like to paint in oils and paint things with detail like animals, scenery or shoes. Since moving to Holland I have learnt to ride a bike again after many many years. Everyone in Holland rides a bike. It is very flat here which is helpful, but because we live by the sea the wind can be very strong so it is a little hard work at times :-) . But I love riding my bike in the woods and I now even go on a biking holiday to the North of Holland once a year. I also love to travel as much as possible, to both warm and cold countries. My favourites so far have been Austria, Madeira and Scotland.

Q. Have you studied a foreign language before? Do you think it’s hard to adapt to a different culture without learning its language?

A. As I have moved to Holland to live I am trying to learn Dutch. It is difficult to master it as phonetically it is quite different to English. Yes I do think it’s hard to adapt to a different culture without learning its language. So much of a country’s culture is wrapped up within jokes, poems, songs, idioms, stories etc, and these are in that country’s native language. If you don’t understand that language then you won’t understand all of these areas and that is a lot to miss out on.

Q. Please tell us about the main feature of your lessons.

A. The main feature of my lessons are ensuring the lesson is all about the student. What they want to do with their English. Where they want to go with it. Basing the lesson content around their interests and listening to their needs and requirements.This ensures they move in the direction they want to go in.

Q. What are you most careful of when you teach your students?

A. I am most careful of my students confidence when I teach. Empowering them with the confidence to explore different areas of the language and to move forward onto the next level of language learning.

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for our students?

A. Little and often! Even just a few minutes each day will really make a difference to your progress and confidence. And make it fun…….boring learning is such hard work. Read articles that actually interest you. Do puzzles and crosswords to spice your learning up a little, life should be interesting!


Lynn Taylor
