Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Ivana.R. Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Ivana.R. please introduce yourself!

A. Hello, my name is Ivana coming from Serbia, a small country in Europe. I´m thirty years old.I graduated from the University of Belgrade as a professor of French language and literature.Teaching French is my profession but also my passion. I really like working with people and helping them to learn French.In my free time,I enjoy travelling and learning new languages. I started learning Japanese. I hope to visit Japan, one day, who knows… I love spending time outdoors, taking long walks in the nature, reading books, cooking, drinking beer with my friends…

Q. Please tell us something about Serbia.

A. Serbia is one of six republics that made up the country of Yugoslavia which broke up in the 1990s. It is located in Balkans in Europe.The Danube, the second largest European river, passes through Serbia. It has very favourable natural conditions. During the summer, tourists love spending their time in Belgrade and enjoy the nature of many national parks through the country. Serbs are very warm people, especially towards foreigners.The official language is Serbian, which is the only European language using both Cirilic and Latin alphabets.

Q. How do you spend your days off? Is there anything you’ve gotten into lately?

A. Well, I enjoy travelling to discover new places.This July, my boyfriend and I are planning to visit Germany for the first time. I’ve never been in Japan, now I´m sure that´s one of my next destinations for travelling.I spend most of my days off reading, playing games, watching movies, enjoying in the nature…

Q. I’m interested in your lesson, “Naruto”! In this lesson, do students need to prepare before the lesson?

A. No, there’s no need to come prepared to my classes. “Naruto” is listening and reading exercise where you can practice French. During the lesson,we read and discuss about some texts concerning the manga Naruto. It´s a short lesson of twenty-five minutes but it´s very useful because you can learn new vocabulary and grammar…You will also practice your pronunciation and reading skills. At the same time it´s very funny!

Q. Please tell us about the main feature of your lessons.

A. I try to make my lessons fun and creative because I think that´s what the students like the most. To make learning interesting, that’s most important.I have a lot of interesting materials to support my lessons.I always try to make my students laugh and encourage them to work hard. I always repeat as much as needed.The progress can be made only by making mistakes and learning from them. Also I think it is important to use examples from real life. Good cooperation between teacher and student is base of all.

Q. What are you most careful of when you teach your students?

A. Even if my students make mistakes it’s important to encourage them and repeat as much as needed. I never give up until my student understands the lesson. During the lesson it’s significant that they listen, speak and write something in French.

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for our students?

A. I´m looking forward to meeting you! ” To have another language is to posses a second soul ”


