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※1 Ein iPad, Smartphone oder ähnliches Gerät auf dem Du Skype herunterladen und verwenden kannst.
※2 Wenn Du einen PC mit integrierer Kamera und Mikrofon hast, fällt das weg. Headsets gibt es günstig im Laden oder im Internetversand.
I am interested in learning Japanese with a lesson structure and a bit of free talk. I am currently learning Japanese using Minna no Nihongo with another tutor once/twice a week for an hour each session. I am wondering if there is something extra that can enhance my Japanese, on top of Minna no Nihongo textbook.
I am looking at 45 - 60 min per lesson, depending on my schedule. I have an erratic work schedule so I would also request a tutor who can be flexible (for example, I may only be able to book your lesson a few hours in advance). A trial class to start with will be great.
A tutor who can explain in English well would be helpful.
Thank you in advance.