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Das brauchst Du, um loszulegen
- Einen PC bzw. ein Mobilgerät (※1)mit Internetanschluss
- Ein Headset(※2)
- Eine Webcam (hilfreich)
※1 Ein iPad, Smartphone oder ähnliches Gerät auf dem Du Skype herunterladen und verwenden kannst.
※2 Wenn Du einen PC mit integrierer Kamera und Mikrofon hast, fällt das weg. Headsets gibt es günstig im Laden oder im Internetversand.
I have lived in Germany for 5 and 6 years. I passed the telc certificate B1 but I could understand to hear what people are talking in German but once I tried to speak German, no one could understand me and this affects in the office. I am not trained to pick up the phone call and write emails in German in the office. I am trying to study by myself but I don't see any improvement. And even I don't know how I should improve my German. I would like to communicate in German like my English and I want to get b2 and C1 levels later on. I am looking for a tutor to find what is bothering the improvement of my German and can guide me to B2 and C1 level.