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Alison Fisher That's interesting...

That's interesting...

25Min. 2,400P

Hat Schnupperkurs 15Min. 0P


Explaining what the English speakers are really saying


In Absprache


Every culture has nuances that are clearly reflected in its language. The way that people express themeselves is heavily coloured by the language they are speaking. 
If you have ever been confused by what your conversation partner really means, this lesson is for you. We can go through the way that English speakers use the English language so you can be aware of the underlying subtext to the conversation. Don't ever stumble again in a talk with business colleagues!
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Alison Fisher
Mögliche Kurszeiten


Having lived in several countries and learned the local language, I can appreciate how difficult it can be to master a foreign language and how much I benefitted from the support offered by teachers....

Alle Kurse von dieser/m TutorIn 

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Consistency and commitment are key!

That's interesting...

25Min. 2,400 Pts

Explaining what the English speakers are really saying

Understanding patients, medical reports and presentations, thriving i...


0Min. 3,500 Pts

Academic article or thesis correction

Interview preparation

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Asking (and answering) the tough questions

Practice makes perfect!


30Min. 2,900 Pts

From the basics to the idioms

Ich spreche Deutsch

25Min. 2,900 Pts

English conversation for German speakers

Ik praat Nederlands

25Min. 2,900 Pts

English conversation for Dutch speakers

Advanced grammar

30Min. 2,900 Pts

Becoming really fluent

Learning the nuances of employing verb tenses

Mögliche Kurszeiten

Mo 16:00 Di 05:30
Di 16:00 Mi 05:30
Mi 16:00 Do 05:30
Do 23:00 Fr 05:30
Fr 16:00 Sa 05:30
Sa 16:00 So 05:30
So 16:00 Mo 05:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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