If you are a beginner or still not very confident in speaking in Japanese, don't worry, I will speak to you according to your level!
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346 Clases |
120 Students |
Skypeチャットで日本語を書くレッスンです。 「今日のこと」「週末のよてい」「学校のこと」「好きなアイドルのこと」etc. ともだち...
質問にどんどん答えて日本語の瞬発力をつけましょう! Answer more and more questions to improve ...
交換日記をしながら日本語の「書く」スキルを上げませんか? 在进行交流日记的同时,为什么不提高自己的日语 ”写作”能力呢?
This is an orientation session for first-time students. Let's figure ...
忙しい人や少しだけ話したい人にオススメです! 楽しくお話しませんか? Recommended for busy people or p...
Let's talk in Japanese! Practice your spoken Japanese, improve your f...
Let's talk in Japanese! More time to practice your spoken Japanese, i...
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