Music is culture. You probably have heard the saying, “Something about this song has just touched a deep node of my soul and pulled tears to my eyes”
How many times have you heard that? The tears I am talking about could be of joy or pain.
Music has the ability to take you through a bitter-sweet journey. And that is the ultimate beauty of music.
In this lesson, we dive deep into learning about South African Music & Culture. Where it all started, and its transformation over the years to become the beautiful melody it is today.
We will explore different music genres for all different ethnic groups and cultures in the South Africa context.
Music is the universal language. Music in itself is healing. It is an explosive expression of humanity, something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from. Everyone just loves music.
No matter where we are from, Music sings to us all. We all understand its divine language and our souls are forever linked by its melody.
It is the great unifying force that pulls us all together, allowing us to walk together as one.
Music teaches us that we are not alone. It can be a guide and a teacher to guide us along life’s path
S.A. Music:
1. Kwelaa) Sesotho
b) Sepedi
c) Setswana
d) Xitsonga
e) Tshivenda
f) IsiXhosa
g) IsiZulu &
h) Fusion of all the above (Bubblegum and Kwaito)
Lesson Plan:
a) Ice breaker & Intro (5min)
b) Purpose (Why the lesson) (5min)
c) Define & outline learning outcomes (5min)
d) Guided discussion (40min)
e) Recap & close (5min)
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