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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Tutor Lewis B 's Column

2020 - The Year For Real Change!

Вторник, 17 Декабрь 2019 r. 11:46

Greetings to all CafeTalk students!

I can't believe it's December already! Time flies when you are busy. Christmas is just around the corner, and New Year is only a week after that.
I know that December is a very busy time for most people, and once we have finished with work we sometimes have a lot of parties and meetings with friends and family to attend, some of us may not have much free time, but please don't forget to enjoy yourself when you get the chance!

Now that we are approaching the end of 2019 it is a good time to think about what we have achieved this year, what were our plans at the end of 2018, and have we accomplished what we intended to do?

2020 is a brand new year, a new and exciting opportunity for us to develop ourselves and advance our practices to the next level!
First I ask my students to think about what we can do to improve our current activities, whether it's with our studies or our work, with our bodies or our minds, whatever we are doing with our time now, how can we improve that and ensure that we end the next year in a better and stronger position than we are in now?
And don't forget that we can also begin practicing something entirely new! We should always try to improve on what we are practicing now, but also there is never a bad time to start something completely new!
Next year I am planning to begin practicing kyudo. I have very little experience with archery, but it is something I am very excited to try!

It is important to remember that we are very unlikely to achieve anything without real effort and a solid plan. Hopes and dreams won't carry us toward our goals, the only way for us to accomplish what is really important is for us to create a structured plan, with specific, measurable goals set to a time frame, with clear instructions on the tasks required to reach those goals.

As a Personal Trainer it is both my profession and my pleasure to help my students achieve the tasks they set out to accomplish, and to create real change in people's lives.
With my experience in Martial Arts, the Military, working in the Security industry, as well as seven years of teaching experience, I am confident that we are able to work together to ensure that we make 2020 a very special year of growth!

A few of my goals for 2020 are to spend a week practicing Zazen at Eiheiji, to begin practicing kyudo, and to run a full marathon!
I would be very honoured if you would join me next year, so that we may be able to study together and help eachother achieve our highest aims!

To help give everyone a head start to the year I would like to offer 25% off our first full length lesson until the end of February. When you message me or book a lesson, please just mention this article or the words "CHANGE 2020" to receive your coupon.

Please also have a look at my profile and my lessons for more information about me and some of the things I am able to offer.
And please, feel free to message me any time, I would be very happy to hear from everyone, to answer any questions you may have or to talk about how we are able to work and study together.

I hope everyone has a fantastic end to the year and an exciting start to 2020, let's work hard to make it a great success!

I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Lewis B

(The cover image was taken just a few weeks ago when I climbed Mitsutouge, a local mountain here in Yamanashi. Every day I have the most beautiful views of Fujisan!)

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