Do you think people in Japan are happier than in other countries, or less happy?
There was a report released this year (2019) that says Finland the number one happiest country in the world. Japan did not reach the top ten, but Australia did. It must be the sunshine and beaches:-)
When talking about comparing things, you can use Comparative forms
These forms will help you to compare two things.
For example
Category Example Comparative
One-syllable adjectives cheap cheaper
Two-syllable or more ending in "y" happy happier
Two or more syllables expensive more/less expensive
Irregular adjectives good better
bad worse
When we want to talk about comparing things that are the same,
we use "as ____ as_____".
For example "Japanese people are as happy as Australians."
Do you agree?
Let me know what you think! Hope to speak to you soon,
Here is a link to the news report: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-happiest-countries-united-nations-2019/index.html