View: 5148 | Суббота, 24 Сентябрь 2022 r. 08:29
Memories of backyard soccer
Photo: (from left) Our dog Max, my brother and I hanging out in the backyardEvery time I kick any k...
View: 5973 | Пятница, 22 Июль 2022 r. 12:14
Culture shock in Japan
Most of the Japanese students that I went to school with in Germany and later Australia had a few t...
View: 7357 | Суббота, 18 Июнь 2022 r. 01:05
My dream-job
Above: a short video that a friend edited together of my band The Goood Things live performanceI us...
View: 6154 | Четверг, 2 Июнь 2022 r. 01:47
Rain, rain go away... or stay if you like
I’m a fan of rainy days as long as I don’t have to leave my house. Sitting inside while it’s pourin...
View: 5661 | Вторник, 17 Май 2022 r. 08:41
The next destination on my list is...
The last overseas holiday that my family went on was to Thailand and it was action-packed. My wi...
View: 5336 | Среда, 4 Май 2022 r. 15:38
My morning routine
My morning routine usually starts with my 6:30am alarm going off, me rolling over, hitting snooze a...
View: 5482 | Суббота, 26 Март 2022 r. 09:27
Who is the person I admire most?
Who do I admire most? Watch the video above to find out... When we admire or have a lot of respect...
View: 5511 | Среда, 23 Февраль 2022 r. 11:49
The 15-minute morning study rule
The best way to improve your English is to make studying part of your daily routine. Remember that ...
View: 4335 | Четверг, 10 Февраль 2022 r. 16:03 | 1
Keeping a schedule the old school way
I’ve tried and failed at a few different ways of keeping a schedule. I used to buy an annual diary ...
View: 4690 | Среда, 5 Январь 2022 r. 21:39
New Year's Resolutions
Photo: my personal trainer giving me push-ups advice I think that New Year's resolutions are a grea...
View: 5150 | Пятница, 5 Ноябрь 2021 r. 16:51
A leisurely stroll in Autumn
Autumn is the best season for going for a walk around the neighbourhood. The temperature is just ri...
View: 7726 | Вторник, 8 Сентябрь 2020 r. 23:21
Lifehack: The Enthusiastic Bottle Opener
The other day, I sat down at the table in our kitchen with a bottle of beer and was getting...
View: 7124 | Четверг, 27 Август 2020 r. 17:31
Oktoberfest: a playground for kids and adults!
The most unique festival that I’ve ever been to is the original Oktoberfest in Munich...
View: 5991 | Среда, 19 Август 2020 r. 12:43 | 2
Grandparents a world away
When I was a kid, I lived in Germany and my grandparents resided in Australia and New Zeala...
View: 6673 | Воскресенье, 26 Апрель 2020 r. 13:29
'The Piano' movie theme song
When I was a kid, I took piano lessons from the age of seven to thirteen. I didn’t like pra...
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