View: 30 | Freitag, 10. Januar 2025, 15:45
John Nanakamado
Cognitive Triangle
「The Cognitive Triangle」は心理学の理論です。三角形の頂点にあるのが、あなたの考え方。右下は感情。左下は行動。考えたがネガティブだったら、感情もネガティブになり、感情がネガティ...
View: 224 | Freitag, 27. Dezember 2024, 17:39
John Nanakamado
Japan is a beautiful countryJapan is a historical country Japan is a safety country️ Safety belt Sa...
View: 466 | Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2024, 13:40
John Nanakamado
⭐️たまに聞く間違いです。 「すごい(とても)田舎」→ Very countryside❌️ 英語で 「Very + noun (名詞)」は文法が間違っているだけでなく、とても奇妙にも聞こえます。...
View: 428 | Dienstag, 26. November 2024, 22:22
John Nanakamado
How do you say "SHINKANSEN" in English?
The Japanese Shinkansen is famous all over the world. How can we say it in English?
View: 629 | Samstag, 16. November 2024, 13:16
John Nanakamado
At the Dai Nagoya Building, there is a beautiful winter wonderland scene at the moment. It includes...
View: 1234 | Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2024, 23:55
John Nanakamado
A train? The train?
パートナーが僕にLINEでメッセージを送ってきた。 "I'm about to catch a train" 彼女は仕事から帰るところだと思ったので、びっくりした! 「えっ! どこに行くの...
View: 1647 | Dienstag, 30. April 2024, 19:01
John Nanakamado
Open and Closed Question
The way to answer open questions and closed questions is different. With an open question there are...
View: 2063 | Mittwoch, 24. April 2024, 22:07
John Nanakamado
A keen, keen on, keen toの違いは?
There are many ways to use "keen" in English. Watch the above video to learn about three of them.
View: 1576 | Dienstag, 16. April 2024, 15:29
John Nanakamado
Learn English through Rock
The lyrics (歌詞) of songs can be great for studying English, they are full of interesting vocab, idi...
View: 1763 | Freitag, 5. April 2024, 16:01
John Nanakamado
「なんだっけ」 is a very useful phrase in Japanese, but how can you say it in English?
View: 1840 | Samstag, 11. November 2023, 00:31
John Nanakamado
A parker isn’t what you think it is
日本語のパーカーはイギリスではHoodieです。 イギリスではParker はモッズコートのことだけど、イギリス人はモッズコートとは言わない。60年代のparkerは緑だけど、今は他の色もある。僕は...
View: 1791 | Donnerstag, 7. September 2023, 12:44
John Nanakamado
思ったより〜だった!! 英語で言える?
”店は思ったより良かった”を英語で?The shop was better than I thought. カジュアルな英語。The shop was better than I thought i...
View: 1623 | Mittwoch, 30. August 2023, 07:08
John Nanakamado
”久しぶりに” を英語で?
僕はよく「久しぶりに」を使います。英語で”For the first time in a long time..."です。もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。
View: 1906 | Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2023, 08:21
John Nanakamado
View: 1789 | Freitag, 7. Juli 2023, 14:11
John Nanakamado
What makes you happy?
Walking in the park makes me happy. 公園で散歩すると幸せになります。 Seeing curry makes me hungry. カレーを見るとお腹がすきます...
View: 1721 | Montag, 3. Juli 2023, 09:09
John Nanakamado
Especially in British English “Nice and…” is a very useful phrase. It is similar to the Japanese ph...
View: 1374 | Samstag, 17. Juni 2023, 09:33
John Nanakamado
Japanese people often say ”頑張って", but how can we say that in English? Watch the video for four grea...
View: 1678 | Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2023, 21:34
John Nanakamado
In June in Japan we can see a lot of 紫陽花, they are very beautiful flowers, but what are they called...
View: 1334 | Dienstag, 6. Juni 2023, 23:11
John Nanakamado
View: 1479 | Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2023, 09:49
John Nanakamado
When it comes to Kyoto, what comes to mind...もし興味があったら、ビデオを見てみてください。
View: 1560 | Montag, 29. Mai 2023, 07:37
John Nanakamado
Often English students say "何でもいい" in English in a rude way. Can you say it in a friendly way?もし興味が...
View: 1637 | Montag, 22. Mai 2023, 23:09
John Nanakamado
Do you know the difference between "Until" and "By"? もし興味があったら、ビデオを見てみてください。
View: 1704 | Montag, 8. Mai 2023, 18:16
John Nanakamado
〜しなくちゃ!Have to のかわりに
Many English students use "I have to...", but there is another natural expression. もし興味があったら、動画を見てみ...
View: 1851 | Sonntag, 23. April 2023, 06:52
John Nanakamado
"Pretty as a Picture" どういう意味?
イギリス人は「Pretty as a Picture」とよく言います。意味を知っていますか?もしこの大人気のイデオムに興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。
View: 1546 | Montag, 17. April 2023, 17:11
John Nanakamado
If you are interested in British English, absolutely you need to know the adjective "cracking"! もし興...
View: 1996 | Montag, 10. April 2023, 23:36
John Nanakamado
Better than the Bullet Train (新幹線)
For many years I have considered the Bullet Train (新幹線)to be the best train in the world. But recen...
View: 1666 | Mittwoch, 29. März 2023, 10:34
John Nanakamado
Often English learners get confused between shadow and shade, so let's take a look at the differenc...
View: 2061 | Samstag, 18. März 2023, 18:07
John Nanakamado
"払う価値があった" を英語で?
In English, there are some phrases to show that you are satisfied with something that you have boug...
View: 2149 | Donnerstag, 2. März 2023, 20:34
John Nanakamado
In this video you can learn some nostalgic phrases in English. もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。 _________ 歌の名...
View: 1623 | Samstag, 18. Februar 2023, 23:55
John Nanakamado
Spring Idioms
In this video you can learn two natural idioms in British English using "Spring". もし興味があったら、動画を見てみて...