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Hello, my name is Tobya. Thank you for visiting my profile.
I am excited to meet you! A little about me, I am an American from Boulder Colorado who is currently living in Italy working as a TEFL instructor for both children and adults.
My goals for each lesson on Cafetalk are:
- For students to have fun and enjoy the experience of each lesson.
- For students to feel improvement in their language skills, vocabulary, grammer and pronuciation.
- Clear communication and freedback because this is an opppurtuity for us to learn from eachother.
- For each lesson to be meaningful and useful.
We will co-create a special session that will bring about positive changes in your life.
Other course offerings:
Life Coaching and Massage and more to come...
It is my whole hearted wish to raise the consciousness and the vibration of the planet by empowering individuals to become the best version of themselves.
Are you ready to feel inspired and excited to be alive?
