This tutor is currently on leave.
[선생님 프로필]
-연세대학교 행정학과, 외교통상학 졸업
Yonsei University, Public administration&Diplomacy in Seoul
-20년 6월 한국어 선생님 자격증 2급(국립국어원)
Official Korean Teaching Licence Level2/National Institute of Korean Language
-연세대학교 인문 논술 전형, 성균관대 논술 전형 우수자 합격
Highest Grades at Writing Test of Yonsei University
-국어 수능 백분위 99%, 논술 모의고사 전국 상위 5%
Korean Language at 2012 수능(SAT in Korea) 1% of all students
-출판사 재직 및 기사 작성 1년
Writing and Editing Articles over One Year
Hello, Japanese student. I am a Korean teacher like a running coach. I took an official Korean teaching licence course for 2 years. And I'm sure that with me you can achieve your goal of learning Korean. I would love to help you guys.
Why do I love teaching Korean?
- I love to learn languages and share my know-how of learning them
- I've learned a lot learning English and German(both C1 European language level)
- I would like to share my tips for learning Korean
I enjoy teaching Korean, especially to Japanese students. I have had so many pleasurable teaching experiences with them. I would love to inform you about my class before starting. Please feel free to message me.
-일본 학생들께
러닝 코치 같은 한국어 선생님, 박지은 드림