Sarah A DAntoni 講師のプロフィール
Hey there! My name is Sarah! I am originally from New Jersey, only 30 minutes outside of New York City! I moved to Miami to study Psychology at Florida International University. I've been a competitive swimmer for 21 years! When I was 4, I jumped in the pool without knowing how to swim. My sister pulled me out and I've loved the water since!
Swimming with some sea turtles & swimming across lakes!
I am currently an English teacher in Romania. I have taught English in Kyrgyzstan for 2 years before moving to Europe. I enjoy practical teaching and sharing my experiences with my students. I don't like to lecture my students, so a lot of the teaching is oriented towards fun interactive activities If you take a class with me, it will surely be exciting and interactive.
Students in class in Romania.
In my free time, I enjoy playing the ukulele, practicing yoga, learning new languages, traveling, writing poetry, reading, watching movies, and listening to music. I even started a travel blog to document my adventures! I love learning about new cultures, I am looking forward to sharing mine with you and hearing more about yours!
Ziplining in the jungle!
Check out my travel blog: