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I want to speak more like a native! Reasons your Japanese doesn't sound quite like a native speaker - things they don't teach you at school.

The secret on improving at "listening" and "speaking" Japanese

Japanese Pronunciation Improvement Seminar for Speaking Natural Japanese Part 10

Seminar Details

Date / Time:
Mon Feb 27th, 2023 20:00 (Japan Time)
About 30 Min
500 Points
Live viewing AND viewing of the recording are both possible
Yukina Kita

▼ Shadowing alone is not enough to learn correct pronunciation.
 Shadowing is said to be one of the most effective ways to learn a foreign language.
 However, shadowing without correct pronunciation will not have effective results.
 The first step is to pronounce the words correctly, which is the secret to making shadowing much more efficient!

▼Very few places can actually teach detailed pronunciation.
 Many people learning Japanese have perfect grammar and conversational flow, but not so much in terms of pronunciation...
 In fact, there are few teachers who can teach pronunciation in detail.
 I am not a Japanese teacher, but a voice trainer and voice specialist, and I give detailed guidance on how to pronounce the language.
 You don't often get the chance to practise your pronunciation in detail! Please feel free to take this seminar.

<Seminar contents>
・The secret to an effective improvement of your listening skills.
・Practice! Pronunciation training
・Q&A to solve your problems.

I want to speak more like a native! Reasons your Japanese doesn't sound quite like a native speaker - things they don't teach you at school.

Mon Feb 27th, 2023 20:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Purchase Recording
Cafetalk tutor Yukina Kita

Yukina Kita


私自身、英語で歌うことが多く、英語には自信があるつもりでいました。 でも実際にネイティブの人と話してみると、いまいち聞き取れない。 きっとこれは海外留学経験がないからだと決めつけていました。

でもそんなある日、友人から「英語の歌の発音を習ってみないか?」と勧められたのです。 その友人のお母さんはハワイ出身の日経のアメリカ人で、とても丁寧に発音を教えてくれました。 レッスンを受けてからしばらく経ち、英語の曲を聴いていると英語の歌詞の内容がスッと頭に入ってくるのに気が付いたのです。

リスニングの練習は一切やっていません。 発音を改善しただけです!

今では海外の生徒さんと英語でレッスンをしています。 ぜひ皆さんにもこの感動を味わっていただきたい! 発音改善をしてどんどん聞き取れるようにしましょう!

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