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NEW lesson - Listening Practice for Beginners - Eiken 4-5 levels

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2018, 14:58

Hi everyone,
I have just added a new lesson for beginners.  It is designed to help you practice your listening skills.  It is suitable for students, both adults and children, who are preparing for the Eiken Grades 4-5 tests.
Here is the lesson description:
In this lesson, we will do listening practice together. I will read a short paragraph (1-3 sentences), and ask you a question.


I will read , "First I saw the white bear, then I saw the black.  Then I saw the camel with a hump upon his back."

Then I will ask you, "What colours were the 2 bears?"

It is easy, isn't it?

We will also practice vocabulary and grammar. 


I will read, "My brother likes sports.  He can ____ very fast." 

A. run  B. sleep  C. open  4.  Listen

Note: These 2 examples are Eiken grade 5 level. 

I am looking forward to seeing you soon ^_^

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