(Kids lessons) Last Attempt of Price Reduction!
Sonntag, 1. Januar 2017, 03:43
Hello my Current and Future Students
This is my LAST ATTEMPT I made for PRICE REDUCTION of Kids regular lessons!
> For Regular kids lessons [25 Mins] --> 1000P
(except for Reading Short Story [no change])
In This Year, Unfortunately I have decided to STOP the 30% OFF coupon every week due to this last price reduction. but do not worry, I may continue giving coupon up to 10% OFF.
1 FREE LESSON and 1 Half Price Coupon will be given Once a Month to REGULAR STUDENTS as a 'LOYALTY GIFT' from me :)
Who are REGULAR STUDENTS? --> Students who took at least 4 lessons of mine.
Hopefully This update can help my current and future students to book my lessons in the near future. Do NOT forget to check my lesson packs also! I offer the cheapest rate for any lesson packs, so my students can follow-up their lessons easily ^_^
See you soon then