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General Notices from Tutor Zia

New coupon has been registered - New Tutor Discount

Sonntag, 29. September 2013, 10:01

Nice to meet you, I'm Zia. 
10月7日 - 私は新しい家庭教師が居ないので、あなたが9月29日の間に私のレッスンをしようとすると、私は新しい学生に20%の割引を与えています!
Since I am a new tutor, I am giving a 20% discount to new students if you try my lessons (any lesson) between the 29th September - October 7th! 
I look forward to chatting with you soon!

Coupon Name: New Tutor Discount
Code: e4005f07
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: All
Effective for lessons conducted between: Sep 29, 2013 ~ Oct 7, 2013
(GMT+10:00 Sydney)

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