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General Notices from Tutor Manning

My Dictionary Recommendation

Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2023, 21:05

 My Dear Students,

I hope this message finds you relaxing and forgetting about work and responsibilities. Or better yet, splaying yourself out on some tropical beach with attendant's responding to your every wish like a genie!

Some of you may have read my tutor column blog post "How to Build Vocabulary: Do You Have a Monolingual Dictionary?" ( already.

If so, Bravo! Good for you! 

If not,  I recommend you read it, post a comment, and I promise to send you a 50% off coupon. Also I recommend you purchase either a hard copy or paperback, and one of the COBUILD Dictionary Apps for iPhone or Android:

lease let me know if you have any questions.  

Happy New Year! 


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