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General Notices from Tutor Anamika

You have a new coupon! - Introduction

Mittwoch, 23. August 2023, 04:50

Dear students, I am reminding you to use this coupon with 50% discount. This applies to anyone and for any of my lessons. Don't miss this amazing deal!!  I really look forward to knowing you guys. 学生の皆さん、この 50% 割引クーポンをぜひご利用ください。 これは誰にでも、そして私のどのレッスンにも当てはまります。 この素晴らしいチャンスをお見逃しなく!! 皆さんとお会いできるのを本当に楽しみにしています。
Coupon Name: Introduction
Code: 34edd4c3
Discount Rate: 50%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 21, 2023 ~ Aug 25, 2023
(GMT+05:30 Kolkata)

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