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General Notices from Tutor Suja

Suggested Classes for English Language Proficiency tests

Donnerstag, 20. Juli 2023, 12:38

 Dear students, 
If you're preparing for your language proficiency tests, you may wish to consider the following classes to improve in specific areas:

1) IELTS or EIKEN Speaking
Lesson: IELTS Parts 1, 2 and 3 Speaking Practice
Price: 2800 Points
Length: 45
Trial Minutes: 10

2) EIKEN Picture description

Lesson: English With Pictures
Price: 1400 Points
Length: 25
Trial Minutes:

3) Understanding how you're assessed in IELTS Speaking and/or Writing 

Lesson: IELTS - Understanding IELTS Assessment Criteria and Format
Price: 3500 Points
Length: 45
Trial Minutes:

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