Bring die Würze der Welt in Dein Leben

General Notices from Tutor Lisa D.

You have a new coupon! - Happy Golden Week!

Mittwoch, 26. April 2023, 20:49

Happy Golden Week!

If you have some time off, please think about taking a lesson!!! I would love to hear about all of your Golden Week Plans, or maybe hear about your goals for English.  Try a new lesson with this coupon!!

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Best Wishes,


Coupon Name: Happy Golden Week!
Code: 8ec16484
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Apr 29, 2023 ~ May 5, 2023
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver)

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