Bring die Würze der Welt in Dein Leben

General Notices from Tutor Audrey オードリー

You have a new coupon! - Appreciation ^_^

Sonntag, 2. Januar 2022, 22:49

Dear students,

Happy New Year!

Thank you very much for leaving me amazing feedback, and as a result, I ranked #3 in last week's feedback ranking.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all.

みなさんが 幸せな 一年で ありますように 願っています。


Coupon Name: Appreciation ^_^
Code: bb44bc57
Discount Rate: 20%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Jan 7, 2022 ~ Jan 21, 2022
(GMT-05:00 Toronto)


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