Bring die Würze der Welt in Dein Leben

General Notices from Tutor Lisa D.

Earn 2 new Coupons and May Coupons!

Mittwoch, 6. Mai 2020, 11:58

Hello Dear Students!

The Sumida Aquarium is asking people to video call eels to help them not feel lonely during this difficult time.  I wanted to share this article with you and help you to earn 2 coupons of 20% each. Just follow the directions below and earn 2 coupons!

Here is the article to learn more:

To earn these coupons you need to complete ALL 3 steps:

1. Read the article.

2. Complete the crossword puzzle with the correct answers on the screen.  All of the words in the puzzle are in the article. 

Crossword link:

3. Send me a message through Cafetalk once you have completed the puzzle. I will send you a coupon for 20% off the lesson of your choice.  

Repeat these steps for the word search and earn a 2nd coupon for 20% off the lesson of your choice! 

Word Search link:

ALSO... listed below are my May coupons for 15% off the lesson of your choice. 

I look forward to seeing you in a lesson soon. 

Best Wishes, 


Coupon Name: May Coupon
Code: bf48becf
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 1, 2020 ~ May 31, 2020
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver) 

Coupon Name: Bonus May Coupon!
Code: 60695a3e
Discount Rate: 15%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 15, 2020 ~ May 31, 2020
(GMT-06:00 DST Denver) 

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