- 网络连接 ①
- 语音耳机 ②
- 网络摄像头(推荐使用)
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
Hello! I’m looking for a teacher who can provide me lessons in preparation for an upcoming 2week trip to Korea. I am an absolute beginner, but am hoping to be able to get comfortable with basic travel language such as making requests at a hotel, restaurant or store. And being able to get around on local transportation.
I’m a BTS army, and also love Japanese Manga. I work during the day in tech ed and am hoping to do 3-4 30 to 45 min lessons per week until I leave in late March.
I am studying Japanese and I want to learn how to sing in Japanese as well. Although I have someone who can help me, she doesn't actually know Japanese music, even though she knows the language. So she can help me with English songs, but I am looking for someone who can help me with Japanese. I also want to learn Korean songs for anyone who might know it (I am studying Korean as well). Otherwise, we can just focus on Japanese.
Dear teachers,
My Name is Clizia and I intend to take the JLPT 3 this year in July. I am looking for a kind and easygoing teacher to help me pass the test.
A booked based or tailored lessons would be the best! I need to learn grammar, kanji and listening.
I would like to take at least one lesson in the afternoon or in the early evening.
About my level:
I studied in Japan for one year but my Japanese is getting very rusty. I passed N4 in 2021, and at the language school I studied N3-N2 materials but I din't want to try to take the N3 test cause I didn't want to fail the exam.
I worked in Japan and used Japanese daily, but my conversational level is still poor :(
Hope to find an awesome teacher soon. Yeah!
Dear teachers,
My Name is Clizia and I intend to take the JLPT 3 this year in July. I am looking for a kind and easygoing teacher to help me pass the test.
A booked based or tailored lessons would be the best! I need to learn grammar, kanji and listening.
I would like to take at least one lesson in the afternoon or in the early evening.
About my level:
I studied in Japan for one year but my Japanese is getting very rusty. I passed N4 in 2021, and at the language school I studied N3-N2 materials but I din't want to try to take the N3 test cause I didn't want to fail the exam.
I worked in Japan and used Japanese daily, but my conversational level is still poor :(
Hope to find an awesome teacher soon. Yeah!
① 必须有联通网络并可以使用Skype的PC或其他移动设备。
② 如果所使用的PC有内置麦克风和摄像头,可以无需购买。但您也可以在1,000日币以下购买到这些装备。
I want to improve my English writing, because I think it also help me improving my English speaking.
-Having a lesson via no skype
-Giving me a topic and correcting my articles
My TOEIC score is 750, it might help teachers to know my English level.