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Ciò che ti occorre
- Un dispositivo con connessione internet*
- Le cuffie con microfono**
- La webcam
*dispositivo in cui è installato Skype.
**Se il microfono ed la webcam sono incorporati nel tuo computer, non hai bisogno di comprarli.
English lesson For kids, No skype, Reading and Writing
My daughter is 8 years old. She just came back from the States and she can speak English fluently, can read and write English better than Japanese right now. But now she is going to Japanese elementary school. I don't want her to forget English and she wants to keep her English skill so that she can keep communicating with her friends in the States.
But it's kind of difficult to take specific time in front of PC since her little brother bothers her. So I want "NO SKYPE LESSON" for reading and writing.
Of course, for the very first time, student and teacher need to see each other so that the teacher will know the student's English level. After that, each time a student request, the teacher gives reading and writing assignment to the student.
After the student gets the assignment, they read the material and answer the questions and do some writing assignment for maybe one week or so.
And then, the teacher checks the answers and corrects the writing and makes some comments about them.
And then, the teacher returns them to the students.
Plus, if there is a mini class like 15 minutes Skype class separately for students to ask questions about the assignment to teacher face to face when they need it, that would be great.
If the teacher knows well about elementary school kids' books for each grades, that would be perfect.