Materiali originali
Materiali originali
In this lesson, the teacher and students will exchange opinions in Japanese on a prepared theme. Unlike free talk, Both the teacher and the students will give presentations on the assigned themes.
Over the course of 5 lessons, the teacher will present 3 times, and the students will present 2 times.
Students will present in Japanese on a theme of their interest. The theme can be related to Japan or anything else – hobbies, introductions to other countries, or any favorite topic.
*I don't need a formal presentation like a business presentation. A simple presentation is OK.
The teacher can choose 3 themes from a variety of options.
Example themes:
✅ What skills are necessary in Japanese society?
✅ Let's appreciate Japanese artworks together.
✅ How significant is gender inequality in Japan?
✅ Japanese fashion etc..
There are other themes available, so let's discuss and decide on them through chat before the first lesson.
Lesson Schedule:
First lesson: The teacher prepares the theme.
Second lesson: Present what you've researched in Japanese.
Third lesson: The teacher prepares the theme.
Fourth lesson: The teacher prepares the theme.
Fifth lesson: Present what you've researched in Japanese.
Through these 5 lessons, your understanding of Japan will deepen, and your Japanese language skills will improve!
▼Attention▼ This lesson is intended for individuals aged 20 and above.
25min×10lessons.Only those who have taken the 'Reading Japanese artic...
In this lesson, you can learn more deeper about Japanese social issue...
* Gli orari visualizzati fanno riferimento all'orario giapponese Asia/Tokyo. Dopo il login verrà visualizzato l'orario da te impostato.