Da concordare
Da concordare
We will begin the lesson with self introductions.
For example, we can talk about your country, city, favourite foods, or your hobbies.
You can prepare beforehand for a particular topic and tell me what you want to talk about, or we can also talk about the following topics.
Please tell me what you know about Japan and what you would like to know about Japan.
Tell me about your day (Shopping, cleaning, eating out with a friend).
Tell me about your plans for tomorrow (School, work, gym, club activities)
Hobbies (Cooking, sports, music etc)
Our words become alive through speaking,
which helps us make more progress.
There are conversation topics prepared for those who do not know that to talk about.
トピック例 (Topic Example)
手巻き寿司の作り方(How to make the TEMAKIZUSI)
お茶会(Japanese the ceremony)
日本の三大将軍(Three major Worlords)
If you are busy, why don't you start with a 25 minute lesson? Being ...
* Gli orari visualizzati fanno riferimento all'orario giapponese Asia/Tokyo. Dopo il login verrà visualizzato l'orario da te impostato.
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