Un tocco di stile alla tua vita.

fukiko Conversation 1

Conversation 1

25min 1,000punti

Lezioni di prova 10min 0punti

Skype lezioni

Let’s use the words that we learnt in a conversation. Speaking helps the words and phrases to stick, and will help you to improve.


Da concordare


We will begin the lesson with self introductions. 

For example, we can talk about your country, city, favourite foods, or your hobbies. 

You can prepare beforehand for a particular topic and tell me what you want to talk about, or we can also talk about the following topics.                  


Please tell me what you know about Japan and what you would like to know about Japan. 

Tell me about your day (Shopping, cleaning, eating out with a friend). 


Tell me about your plans for tomorrow (School, work, gym, club activities) 

Hobbies (Cooking, sports, music etc) 

Our words become alive through speaking,
which helps us make more progress.


There are conversation topics prepared for those who do not know that to talk about.

トピック例 (Topic Example)

                 手巻き寿司の作り方(How to make the TEMAKIZUSI)


      お茶会(Japanese the ceremony)

      日本の三大将軍(Three major Worlords)
                                    : NOBUNAGA・HIDEYOSHI・IEYASU



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• Meno di 1ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ il 50% del costo viene addebitato.
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Hello!My name is fukiko.I have taught Japanese in New Zealand, China and in Vanuatu.As a teacher of  the Japanese language one of my pleasures is to see my students experience the Japanese culture an...


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  • Predizione
  • Counseling
  • Giapponese

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25min 1,000 Pts

子育て・仕事・パートナー・家族、、、 日々の生活の中でうまくいかないことが多いです。 あなたの心な中に、落とし込んでいくお手伝いをしま...


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25min 800 Pts


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Lun 09:00   14:00
Mar 10:00   14:00
Gio 09:00   14:00
Ven 10:00   12:00
Sab 10:00   16:00
Sab 20:00   23:00
Dom 20:00   23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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