Deja que el mundo condimente tu vida

Paolo Lodi 結合詞やその他の難しい単語

Pack of 6 結合詞やその他の難しい単語

45Min 11,000Puntos (1,833 Points per lesson)

Skype Lesson

Le congiunzioni e altre parole difficili

Material didáctico


Lesson Pack Details

This is a 6-lesson pack. You will be issued 5 "coupons" when the first request is confirmed. You will be able to use these coupons for subsequent requests in the pack. Please note that all requests related to this pack must be taken within 45 days of the confirmation date of the first request.

Detalles de la lección  

Quale differenza c'è tra finalmente alla fine?

Che cosa significa mica?

Quando e come si usa anzi?

Un ricco eserciziario, facile e completo, interamente dedicato allo studio delle congiunzioni italiane e di altre parole difficili.

Si rivolge a studenti dal livello elementare al livello avanzato (A1 - C1).

「Finalmente」と「alla fine」の違いは何ですか?






New Students Welcome!

Política de cancelación del(de la) tutor/a

Cancellation of pack lessons
• 'Unstarted' lesson packs(1) can be cancelled any time. Used Points will be completely refunded. If a 'started' lesson pack(2) is cancelled, you will be refunded 50% of the price of the remaining lessons provided that the lessons are unrequested, unconfirmed or not within 24 hours of their scheduled start times.
(1) A lesson pack for which none of the requests have been confirmed by the tutor.
(2) A lesson pack with at least one confirmed request. (By confirming the date and time for the first lesson in the pack the tutor confirms the pack as a whole and coupons are automatically issued)

Cancelling individual requests in a pack
• If you wish to cancel a single lesson that belongs to a pack but not the whole pack, you can do so via the request page. In this case, the coupon used to book the lesson will either be refunded or collected, based on the following policy.
Antes de que la solicitud haya sido confirmada.
• Es posible hacerlo en cualquier momento.

Luego de que la solicitud de clase haya sido confirmada
Menos de 24 horas antes de que la clase de comienzo→ Coupon will be consumed.
No-Show→ Coupon will be consumed.

Perfil del(de la) tutor/a  

From:   In:





Paolo Lodi
Horarios disponibles

Ver más lecciones

Buongiorno e buonasera!! みなさん、こんにちは!こんばんは! My name is Paolo and I'm an Italian and Japanese language teacher. I'm also a translator and an interpreter and I work with 4 languages (Italian, English,...

Todas las clases del (de la) tutor/a 

  • All Lessons
  • Italiano
  • Pasatiempos


45Min 17,500 Pts

Pack of 8 (2,188 Points per lesson)

Italiano in pratica

Pack of 5 (2,400 Points per lesson)

イタリア語検定 レベル 1、2、3、4、5

Italiano facile per principianti

全国通訳案内士試験に有利 Test pratico per superare l'esame di italiano sia scrit...

Pack of 10 (2,200 Points per lesson)

Le prime 3000 parole in italiano

La storia giapponese in italiano


35Min 2,500 Pts

Check your written Italian

Pack of 4 (1,450 Points per lesson)

Children book.

L`Italiano e l`Opera.

40Min 2,200 Pts

Servizi di sottotitolazione e trascrizioni di video e audio

Pack of 6 (1,833 Points per lesson)

Le congiunzioni e altre parole difficili


Pack of 10 (1,700 Points per lesson)

Grammatica italiana: i Pronomi

Turismo a Roma

30Min 2,900 Pts

Pack of 10 (2,000 Points per lesson)

Fonetica della lingua italiana

Il dialetto di Roma spiegato in giapponese


60Min 2,600 Pts

Pack of 4 (2,000 Points per lesson)

Grammatica Italiana: Il congiuntivo

Pack of 10 (2,000 Points per lesson)

Le Preposizioni

イタリアの居住許可。 公式テスト-A2レベル

Italiano per bambini, scritto e parlato

L'italiano per amico

45Min 2,200 Pts


60Min 2,600 Pts


30Min 1,200 Pts


Pack of 6 (1,500 Points per lesson)

カタカナでイタリア語を発音していませんか? 発音を習って、聞き取りやすいクリアなイタリア語を身につけましょう。


Real Italian Carbonara and tiramisu. How to

Horarios disponibles

Mon 14:30 Tue 08:00
Tue 14:30 Wed 08:00
Wed 14:30 Thu 08:00
Thu 14:30 Fri 08:00
Fri 14:30 Sat 08:00
Sat 14:30 Sun 08:00
Sun 14:30 Mon 08:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

※ Visualizar en tiempo de: Asia/Tokyo. Iniciar sesión para ver hora local.


Devolución de los estudiantes  

Aún no se ha escrito ningún comentario.


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