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ここで習った英文を他のところで使いました。納豆が嫌いなアメリカ人に” When you eat Natto pizza, you will find that it tastes very good.” と言ったら、納豆ピザに興味を持ってくれましたよ。どんどん使っていきたいと思います。
” I need hardly add that I have rarely been so distressed. It is likely that the school will be closed unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught." 次回もよろしくお願いします -
今回出てきた例文が、まるで先生がわたしに言っているように思えました。(笑)How many times do I have to tell you not to make the same mistake? これでいいですか?記憶力を良くするサプリメントを注文します。
久しぶりにレッスン ありがとうございました。 とても勉強になりました
① Do you often see that she eats between meals?
② I couldn't answer the question。 It was too difficult for me to answer 。
③ My mother has been cooking from 4’oclock in the evening 。
⓸ Does your husband get up earlier than any other family?
⑤ I cannot understand what she said。
It was too difficult to understand for me what she said。
⑥ Shall I record the program of TV for you?
Yasuko Nakagome -
Keiko sensei, Have a nice vacation! -
今日はレッスンありがとうございました。 フィードバックでくわしく丁寧に説明してくださり
よく理解できました 感謝しています
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year I am looking forward to see ing you next year .
Please take care of yourself. Yasuko Nakagome
半年ほど週一でレッスンを受けています。先日ご近所さんと会った時に、Did you have your hair cut?とスッと出てきました。今まで自信もなく誤魔化していたご近所さんとの会話が少しずつ増えてきて、楽しくなってきました!
レッスンで習う文章が実際の英会話にも使えそうなのがたくさん出てきましたよ。今夜地元の英語の先生の買い物に付き合うのですが、「When are you going to the supermarket?What time shall I visit you?」を使いました。英語が通じると楽しいですね。来週も鬼教官のレッスンを楽しみにしています。
Thank you for the last time, I really enjoyed your class.
Looking forward to seeing you next time.
You are amazing. -
how to say what to say の説明が良く分かりました フィードバックが丁寧で
勉強になります 理解できました volunteer も動詞と名詞になる点も
ありがとうございました。 やす子 -
I ’m a beginner who hasn’t finished 「五十音図(ごじゅうおんず)」. It ’s amazing that the teacher has prepared a word card.
Using images and tones, it‘s easier to memorize words than I do by myself.
Although the teacher's English has some accent, because we isn't a native speaker but it's completely understandable.
If you're a person with a high level of English, it's very easy to communicate with each other.
PS: My TOEIC scored 675 points in the 2015 test.
I'm good at listening and speaking, poor reading and writing.
The more enjoyable is that the content of the teacher's active feedback after class.
Actually I has some word uncertain in the class but I didn't ask.
Did't expect the teacher wrote all the main content in English in the message room,
reminded me to review, and also told me what tools I could use to practice.
極度完美的一次上課經驗,謝謝Keiko Davy老師。
A perfect class experience. Thank you for teacher Keiko Davy.
wish everyone have a happy class at Cafetalk every time! -
It is a pleasure to take a lesson of the teacher. See you again Keiko Sensei.
Let's chat through texting in English! -
kind and patient
日本語(にほんご)でチャット! -
The lesson was a lot of fun. I enjoyed learning new grammar points with Keiko-sensei. :-)
Thank you so much Keiko sensei!