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We talked a lot.
It was so fun!
My teacher gave me a lesson to improve my English listening skills.
Thanks! -
This time, I had a lot to talk to the teacher about, and I enjoyed the English conversation around my topic.
Toshi -
I enjoyed talkig as well!
I'm looking forward to her next lesson!
Thanks! -
I enjoyed small talk and lesson for my listening ability.
I always realize I nded to sharpen up it!
Toshi -
もちろん、今日のレッスンも楽しかったです。先生の近況を聞くことができましたし、本の中に、忘れられない文章を見つけました。" Everything Harry had learned last year seemed to have leaked out of his head during the summer." まさに、私のことを言っているようです。習っても習っても出て行くんですよね。少しでも頭に残るように頑張りたいです。
I enjoyed conversational English as well!
It was really fun‼️ -
We had talked about the movie named "Top gun" in the previous lesson and.then my teacher prepared the listening material about the movie in the latest lesson!
Thanks!! -
Kame is easy to talk with. We talked about a movie on Netflix. Japanese people are quite familiar with the TV show of "Old Enough". This kind of TV program can't exist outside Japan, because there are so many kidnappers everywhere.
Today's lesson was really fun as usual.
I enjoyed talking about our year end and New year activity.
And then we talked about New Year's resolutions.
Thanks Kame.
See you soon!!
Toshi -
I’m very interested in today’s topics.
I really hope that this corona situation would be better.
Thank you.
I was worried because the internet connection was terrible, but I managed to take the lesson without any major problems.
I was really happy!
By the way, I shouldn't have change my Wi-Fi system.
At the beginning, we talked a couple of minutes of small talk and then enjoyed some listening practice.