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I really enjoyed my lesson with Naoko. I'm a pretty serious student and she was able to cater to me quite well. She was very nice, easy to talk to, and led the lesson quite well. She's obviously an experienced and confident teacher. The lesson was quite informative and I feel like I was able to get some new insights about using polite, business language in Japanese. I was able to do the entire lesson in Japanese so I'm not sure about her English level but she did an excellent job explaining everything in Japanese.
I honestly can't really think of anything specific to ask Naoko to improve on, so just as general advice: I find that it's sometimes helpful to teach new students how to let me know if they have trouble understanding a word or phrase. Students, even advanced ones, will often pretend to understand if they aren't sure how to politely let you know that they didn't; doing something like pasting some phrases they can use into Skype at the start of the lesson might be a good idea like: Please repeat that. Please speak slower. I don't know that word.
Thanks again and I'm looking forward to studying with you again in the future. -
I really enjoyed my lesson with Naoko. At my request, we focused on grammar. She sent me materials explaining a few grammar structures before class and during class we did exercises with them. I felt really at ease with Naoko, and really felt like I learned something important that I could put to use immediately. She is also really gentle and has a even way of speaking that is very good to listen to. I recommend her to any advanced learner who wants to learn both written and conversational advanced grammar.
Naoko is an excellent teacher, she was very friendly, well prepared and made good use of the lesson time to make sure I could improve. She was prompt and well organised, meaning we could make the most of the lesson time. The lesson was 100% in Japanese, I'm currently training for JLPT N2 and could easily follow Naoko's explanations and examples. The lesson is well suited to all levels; as Naoko teaches Japanese from beginner to advanced level she was familiar with the grammar and vocabulary I know, meaning that she could put things in a way that I could quickly comprehend and I could enjoy the lesson without feeling stressed about the language barrier. She quickly pinpointed my strengths and weaknesses and helped me drill to understand what I need to change. Even after one class there is an improvement in my awareness of my intonation and I can now work on the points she introduced. I think the lesson was good value and would definitely consider working with her again once my current examination period is over.