
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

CraftyJaja 講師のコラム

The Illusion of Space in Watercolor Painitng


Have you ever experienced painting or drawing where you can't make your drawing object stand out from the background? Perhaps it appears flat or somehow floating in your paper instead. What must be the reason why?

Take a look at the picture below where I'm still figuring out the disposition of the object in my painting piece which is the crystal chandelier. Can you figure out which crystals are in focus and which ones are supposedly part of the background? Aside from the fact that it's not yet finished, it might be hard to tell because the depth is not however visible.

That's the essence of creating the illusion of space. We need to study and create the depth of the objects to make your painting pieces appear more realistic. But how can we succeed with the said illusion on a 2D surface?

Are there some tricks? Will it be easy to incorporate them into a painting work? The answers are both yes, only if we try to deepen our understanding of the logic of space.   Now let's take a look at the output of creating depth in my watercolor painting and let's sort out the tricks into chunks.

We have six (6) tricks to make your painting or drawing looks realistic. But in this artwork, I focus working only on five ways.

1. OVERLAPPING -  occurs when you need to cover the other object partly. Sometimes noticeable or darker shadows are created to make the closer object stands out to the viewer's eyes. However, in this artwork with transparent crystal material, apparent highlights are more necessary. 


2. PLACEMENT ON THE PAPERit's when the objects are placed higher within the picture plane to appear further away; Otherwise, it could be the vice versa just like this painting. The crystals that are set higher are the ones closer to the viewer's eyes, while the object in the lower part with fewer details are the farther ones.

3. SIZE -   the bigger the object, the closer it is to the viewer's eyes. On the other hand, as it gets further away, it gets smaller.



4. DETAILSAs for the comparison of the objects' features, the ones closer to the viewer get more of the details, but as it goes further away, it gets fewer.  The depth it creates will help you define the object from the background. It also leads the viewers to the essential painting details.

5. COLOR AND VALUE  - Logically speaking, as the crystals get farther the color temperature becomes cooler and tend to be lighter in value.  However, those that are closer tend to be warmer in temperature and gets darker in value.



Those are the ways to create depth in your painting pieces.  It isn't hard as you think, is it?  It may sound easy, but more importantly, you should be able to apply the basic of creating such illusions. But how will you incorporate them accordingly?


There are various techniques in painting that we'll be covering in my watercolor class. And don't worry if you're still a beginner because we won't be doing the complex painting challenges unless you're an intermediate or advanced level. In my class, you'll also be able to practice the art critique. We'll check the flaws and field of improvements in your artwork as well as the other's painting pieces. Not to mention, my Crystal Chandelier painting piece has some flaws too. Let me welcome you to the Art of Seeing and feel free to write your thoughts and comments below. ;)



Paint with Jaja and get your 50% discount (x3) ~ YES! Three times in a row! Book your first class, and I'll issue two(2) more 50% discounts valid for one month.

Coupon Name: Aspiring Artist Coupon for Watercolor Class!
Code: f170e10b
Discount Rate: 50%
For Lesson: Watercolor Painting Class
Effective for lessons conducted between: Apr 1, 2018 ~ Apr 8, 2018
URL: http://cafetalk.com/coupons/detail/?id=678763&lang=en
(GMT+08:00 Manila)

Experience the possibility of your artsy feeling in the watercolor painting. Learning the basics is quite fun. You wouldn't know unless you try. I can't wait to see you! ;)
