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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Rubrica di Becca Herndon

Idiom: The Best of Both Worlds

Mar 22, 2017

What is more important to you?

Being independent or living close to your family?

Sometimes, people have to choose, but sometimes, they can have the best of both worlds.


During College, my University and parent’s house were about an hour and half apart. I lived with roommates in my University town and drove to school every day, but because of how close my parents’ house was, I could drive home and see them on the weekend if I wanted to! I had the best of both worlds, I was independent but also close to with my family.


Best of both worldsA situation wherein one can enjoy two different opportunities.

Have a great week everyone! And if you'd like to take a lesson with me, now is an excellent time. I have a 40% coupon out!


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