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Rubrica di Yukari Maller

愛をこめて With Love

May 14, 2012




荷物を手渡すとき、“Here you are, love

帰り際、“Thanks, love


そのおじさんにはいつも“loveと呼ばれます。 これって・・・。

実はこれ、endearment と呼ばれ、愛情や親しみの気持ちを表すために使われる言葉なんです。

endearment についてこんな説明がありました。

The British have a reputation for coolness and formality, so visitors are often surprised at their use of familiar forms of address such as "dear","love" and "darling", even with strangers.

イギリス人は冷たいとか他人行儀という評判があるため、イギリスを訪れた人達は彼らが使うdearlove daringといった親しみをこめた言い方(よそ者にも使われる)にしばしば驚かされる。

そういえば、スーパーの女性店員や知り合いの女性もよくこのdearlove daringを使っています。


義理の母は私と話すとき、dearlove daringsweetheartをよく使います。lovedaringsweetheartって恋人や夫婦間だけでなく女性同士でも使うんです。

ただ他人にこの endearmentを使うのは年配の人が多いようです。若い人にはほとんどいません。

その他おもしろいものにduck,pet などあります。


Thanks for reading my blog, duck!

See you then, pet!


We have deliveries from various companies every day. There is a nice delivery man that I often see. He is a really friendly man. When we first met, just after I moved to England, he really surprised me.


He said to me, “Here you are,love”, when he passed a parcel to me. 

When he left he said ,“Thanks,love”.

.....” I was so surprised. “What's this ' love'?” I was so confused as he dashed away.

He always calls me “love”.


Actually, this is called a “term of endearment”,which is used to show your love or friendly feeling to someone.


Here is an explanation of “terms of endearment”.


The British have a reputation for coolness and formality, so visitors are often surprised at their use of familiar forms of address such as "dear","love" and "darling", even with strangers. Come to think of it, the shop assistants and ladies who I know commonly use these expressions. Men sometimes do too. My mother-in-law quite often calls me “dear", "love", "darling" or even "sweetheart” when she speaks to me. They are used between women not only couples.


However, it is mainly older people who seem to use these words. I seldom hear young people use them.


There are other interesting ones too, such as “duck" and "pet”.


Thanks for reading my blog, duck!

See you then, pet!


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