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Tutor Rintaro 's Column

"Gear is the Ultimate Procrastination." / 「道具」が揃ってないからといってそれが何かを始めない言い訳にはならない

Apr 20, 2016 | 2 Comments

To hear the quote, please skip to here. / 題名の言葉を彼が発言するシーンはここです。

I rarely "share" other people's work on my blog, let alone a YouTube video, but today I am making an exception because the message is so poignant and I thought it would help and encourage those who are studying English conversation.


The guy in the video is a man by the name of Casey Neistat, a very succuesful "YouTube-r" who has been vlogging EVERY SINGLE day for the past 385 days or so, while running a start-up company full-time. I love his cinematography as much as all the messages he tries to convey through the beautiful footage of New York City that is his home. The fact that we were both born in '81 is part of the reason why I find him inspiring. 

グラサンをかけてちょっとエキセントリックな話し方をしているこの人、名前をCasey Neistatといい、超人気のYouTuberです。去年の3月ころから毎日Vlog(Video+Blogの造語です)をしており、先月1周年を迎え2年目に突入しました。実はモバイルアプリの制作をする会社の社長であり、毎日暇でやることがないからVlogをしているわけではありません。むしろ超多忙です。

  Vlog一つのエピソード編集に長い時は6時間かけるそうです。それを毎日!彼自身そういったライフスタイルじゃないとダメなのだとか。僕と同い年、'81年生まれという事実にも何か惹かれる要素があるのかもしれません。New York市に住んでおり町並みをデジタル一眼片手に美しいCinematographyで見せてくれます。

In my lessons, my students often tell me how they are not good enough for any real English stuff. I find this very unfortunate. Five years into my career, I am almost convinced that it is not skills that most English learners in Japan need; it is confidence. Then I came across this YouTube video in which Casey Neistat quotes his friend, explaining that not having a good enough tool doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it at all. 

よくレッスンで生徒さんが発言されることに「いえ、私はまだ~なんて・・・」といった謙遜の言葉があります。その一方で「私は~は・が出来ます!」という発言はあまり耳にしません。日本語には「建前」というものがありますからこういった謙遜の言葉を述べる方皆さんが本心でそう思われているのかは僕には判断しかねますがそれを鑑みてもどうもネガティブ思考な方が多い。ここまでお話して何故Casey Neistatの言葉を僕が引用したかおわかりいただけますでしょうか。


In another video, he says:

Don't make not being perfect your excuse to not do anything. 

This personally struck me, because I often tend to be an imperfect perfectionist myself. Yes, just because I am usually sitting across from you and teaching something doesn't mean that I am a highly driven person all the time who never gets discouraged. I wish I were 1/10th of Mr. Neistat.

So next time you whisper to yourself, "oh I'm not ready for this" or "I'm never good enough for something like that," instead of dwelling on that negativity, try to convince yourself otherwise, and act accordingly. As Tony Stark once put it, "sometimes you gotta run before you can walk", right? 





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